Testing station for testing water electrolysers
Univerzita Karlova
Podání nabídek
14. března 2025 9:00
Datum zveřejnění
24. února 2025
The subject-matter of the public contract is the supply of a testing station for complex testing of Proton Exchange Membrane water electrolysers (PEM-WE) and Anion Exchange Membrane water electrolysers (AEM-WE) according to the Contracting Authority's requirements.
The subject-matter of the public contract is further specified in the draft purchase contract (annex of the Documentation of the procurement procedure) and in the specification of the public contract subject (annex of the Documentation of the procurement procedure). Noví dodavatelé 🤏 Zadavatel má pouze 20 % nových dodavatelů
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The subject-matter of the public contract is further specified in the draft purchase contract (annex of the Documentation of the procurement procedure) and in the specification of the public contract subject (annex of the Documentation of the procurement procedure). Noví dodavatelé 🤏 Zadavatel má pouze 20 % nových dodavatelů
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